Are you responsible for making sure that your MPEG2 Transport Streams are being given the proper Quality of Service (QoS) across your Access/Edge Networks?
When something is wrong, you need to be able to quickly identify where, and why. And more importantly address the most challenging problems, you need to be able to quickly monitor capabilities in the field, wherever and whenever they are needed.
Since the introduction of 1 + Gbps to the home, DOCCIS 3.1 and IPTV delivery have brought changes to your network which can increase and amplify QoS risks, as your key video content traverses new and immature network infrastructure on its way to your customer.
Because of this your network must reliably provide sufficient Quality of Service (QoS) and content must arrive on time, every time. You must fix video impairments as quickly as possible, hopefully before they impact the users’ viewing experience, or your viewership and revenue are put at risk.
The Solution
Surveyor TSc is a portable, scalable Transport Stream QoS monitoring probe designed for Access/Edge/Remote deployment of Linear TV networks. Surveyor TSc is designed to locate transport impairments as they happen and produce actionable insights that allow you to address issues before they impact the customer viewing experience. This provides operators with a comprehensive view of content quality from origin through network transport.

Surveyor TSc provides:
- Increased performance and capacity for a lower cost
- 25 times the program monitoring capacity of Cricket IP
- Twice the bandwidth capacity vs. G1-T, MM, Cricket
- New and improved functionality
- Familiar user interface and features for easy migration from existing Singulus/Geminus/Cricket probes
To learn more about QoS monitoring or IneoQuest visit our website